We use hospital landmarks, descriptions and photos to give patients the fastest way to find their destination with the easiest user experience available. Not only is it fully responsive and accessible but it is available in almost every language.

An optional way to start directions are via integration with an array of software products to automatically send directions to the visitors mobile phone on the day of their appointment or when they park using an integrated parking product.

The typical way to start a route, the visitor simply scans a QR code on physical signage in a car park, lobby or throughout the building that gives the user the ability to search for their destination.

Each step has a corresponding photograph, description and estimated time of travel and can be toggled for wheelchair accessible routes only.

Oobeo provides the user the ability to search the directory for a new destination, return their route back to where they started or to rate their journey and leave feedback for the route (which you can view or export in real-time).

For every patient appointment, finding the right department inside the hospital building on time is crucial. Being able to quickly identify the right one is where our meta tags come into play, perhaps doctors name, function or even a specific medical provider (they can even include their logo or identifier within the hospital directory.

Our quick link filters allow patients and visitors to quickly search for additional destinations such as ATM, nearest exit, restrooms or food drink locations.

Each of these features are driven to reduce patient and visitor stress or anxiety and allow them to focus on their treatments or loved ones.

healthcare wayfinding
Digital wayfinding


All visits are tracked anonymously and can be viewed in your client dashboard, including most popular start points, destinations and routes. Realtime users can be seen at any time. 


Your guests or patients have the ability to give feedback score on their route as well as an opportunity to leave a comment, potentially helping with HCAHPS scores or tenant satisfaction.

Do I have to use Oobeo parking products?

No, although fully integrated to our parking solutions, indoor wayfinding is available as a separate product.

How much does indoor wayfinding cost?

Our indoor wayfinding is incredibly cost effective, and pricing is driven by the number of destinations. Please inquire for a price!

You call it indoor wayfinding but can I use it outside?

Yes! Although our wayfinding is most suited to complex locations and multi structure campuses with high foot traffic such as colleges, universities, event venues and malls it can easily be used at outdoor event venues, outdoor malls or mixed use retail/residential developments.

Can you provide me with QR code signage?

Yes! We are part of the Toledo ticket company and are able to print and distribute wayfinding signage to the perfect specification and design for your locations.

Is wayfinding HIPAA compliant?

Yes, the solution captures no personal information and is HIPAA compliant.

Do you have a wayfinding api?

Our API is available to integrate wayfinding to your existing platforms, to automatically provide directions and routes to appointments within emails or text messages, the possibilities are endless!

But I already have an app, how can I benefit?

We can directly promote additional products or encourage downloads for your other platforms and apps from within the wayfinding software. This can help improve your app adoption.

How long does it take to get started?

We can have your location mapped and ready to implement within days.

Have more questions?

Ready for a demo?

We would love to show you what makes Oobeo indoor wayfinding special and demonstrate how it could benefit your locations.